Other services

General Dentistry 

At the heart of Linlithgow, we are committed to always being a family practice and we are equally committed to the NHS and upholding the standard of care our patients have come to expect. The NHS provides functional dentistry designed to keep the mouths of our patients healthy. You can expect to have amalgam posterior fillings and composite ‘white’ anterior fillings, metal posterior crowns and bonded anterior crowns, dentures, periodontal (gum) treatments. We also provide preventative advice to all out patients, especially to families and children to try to encourage excellent dental health from the earliest age!


At Devine Dental we offer a membership plan which acts as ‘dental insurance’. You can opt to have your care covered for a small monthly fee, this entitles you to biannual check ups and private hygiene visits.


Dental sedation is an excellent option for nervous patients. Our highly trained team will make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable during treatment. It can also be used for patients undertaking longer, more extensive treatments, such as dental implants, as it can make you more comfortable and help to relax the muscles of your jaw, making it easier to keep your mouth open! We use a very safe medication called Midazolam for our sedation, which is administered via a small cannula in the back of your hand or arm.

White fillings 

White or composite fillings are becoming more and more popular in modern dentistry. The obvious benefit to the patient is that they look much nicer than traditional amalgam fillings. However, the reason that dentists like them so much is that they are much less destructive to your teeth, this is because they bond to tooth tissue. This bond supports fragile enamel and helps to strengthen teeth  in comparison to amalgam fillings which put a huge amount of outward pressure on teeth and can lead to fractures long term. 


Bonding makes use of composite in a different way, it is used to improve the aesthetics of anterior teeth. This can benefit a vast number of patients. Bonding can be used to restore wear on patients who have had issues with grinding their teeth. It can also be used to improve the shape of your teeth if they are uneven or if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth. Bonding is a very minimally invasive procedure as it is ‘additive’, we maintain as much of your natural tooth tissue and precious enamel as possible and then add composite where needed. We make sure to match the colour to your own teeth, or following whitening, and keep the teeth looking natural yet beautiful. 

Dental bridges 

A dental bridge is used to replace a missing tooth or teeth by preparing the adjacent teeth to support the missing ones. They can be a good fixed solution to a missing tooth and in certain scenarios we can do minimal or no preparation of the adjacent teeth to create adhesive bridges, which work simply by cementation - preserving the health of the adjacent tooth compared to a traditional bridge.


Dentures are a removable option to replace missing teeth. Dentures are used in situations where bridges or dental implants are not appropriate. We offer acrylic NHS and private dentures and cobalt-chrome based dentures. 

Flexible dentures 

We also offer flexible dentures of Valplast dentures. These are a good, lightweight, comfortable alternative. They are less bulky and rigid than traditional acrylic dentures and more aesthetic as they avoid metal clasps. We choose a high level lab to make our flexible dentures who use much more natural teeth to give you the smile you deserve. 


Smilefast or composite veneers are a step beyond bonding. With composite we can create a veneer effect enabling you to have the smile you’ve always wanted at a fraction of the cost of traditional porcelain veneers. With Smilefast we can design your smile together to change the shape of your teeth and lighten the shade of your teeth also so that you have the dazzling smile that you’ve always dreamed of!


Porcelain veneers are used for aesthetic reasons to change the appearance of your teeth and redesign your smile. However, they are also used for patients who have heavily restored, broken down or worn anterior teeth. Veneers are as minimally invasive as possible whilst being a more long lasting option. Veneers can restore not only teeth but the confidence of patients who wish to feel happy and beautiful smiling again. 

Cosmetic crowns

At Devine Dental we give you options for cosmetic crowns. We use excellent lab technicians who create works of art to be used in your mouth to restore your teeth! We use Emax, Zirconia and layered porcelain and fused crowns which create incredibly natural results. We can also provide you with gold crowns if you so desire!

Crowns are used where there is insufficient tooth tissue to support a conventional filling. Crowns are placed over the top of the existing tooth to maintain the tooth for as long as possible. They are needed in scenarios where the tooth has become so weak that it is at risk of fracture. We also use crowns where patients have lost a lot of tooth height due to wear of their teeth, this can restore you teeth to what they used to be. The result also supports the soft tissues of your face: your cheeks and lips, which can make you look younger too!

Onlays / Inlays 

On some occasions neither a filling nor a crown is appropriate. In some instances if a tooth is too fragile for a filling but has a good amount of strong tooth tissue left then we do not want to remove this unnecessarily. In which case a inlay or onlay can be used, this acts almost as a 3/4 crown, combining natural strength with lab made strength. Again we use aesthetic materials to restore you teeth in this way.


Request a free consultation with us

For more information about treatments at our practice, please call us on +44(0) 1506 842011 or complete our online form below.