Rejuvenation Treatments

Anti-wrinkle treatments

Wrinkles form by the repetitive creasing of our skin due to the movement of the muscles underneath. The classic wrinkles which people are most familiar with are forehead lines, frown lines (between your eyebrows) and crow’s feet (at the sides of your eyes). Anti- wrinkle injections work by reducing the activity of the muscles beneath the skin resulting in the smoothing of the skin overlying. 

Botox can also be used to relax muscles, which are overactive, this can be particularly effective in those with a high lip line which shows of too much gum giving a ‘gummy’ or ‘excitable’ smile. 


As we get older skin loses its elasticity and volume, we lose fat and collagen which supports the skin causing it to sag resulting in lines and hollows. These hollows are often especially noticeable under our eyes, in the loss of fullness of the cheeks and along the jaw line. We also notice lines forming around our mouths and eyes. We use a safe injectable gel to plump up these areas, the gel contains naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, which helps to draw more moisture to the area, moisturising your skin from the inside out. We use brands Juvederm and Restylane. 

Hair loss treatments 

Did you know hair loss affects around two thirds of men in the UK to some degree? And it’s not just male pattern baldness, women are also affected by thinning hair. Many people are resorting to all sorts of expensive products to try to slow the passing of time. Hair transplants are also becoming increasingly popular, with a sharp rise in men jetting off to countries across Europe to have the procedure done. At Devine Dental we are training in PRP or ‘platelet rich plasma’ injections for hair loss and hair thinning. This uses injections made from your own blood which helps to slow down the loss of hair and helps to promote the growth of new hair. 

Request a free consultation with us

For more information about Rejuvenation treatments treatment at our practice, and to request a Free Consultation with a member of our friendly and highly experienced team, please call us on +44(0) 1506 842011 or complete our online form below.