
Digital Dentistry

Digital Impressions

For most people, having moulds taken of your teeth is one of the least pleasant aspects of dentistry. At Devine Dental we have invested in the latest equipment to get rid of old fashioned putty and alginate materials and can now use our digital scanner to take a 3d image of your teeth to send to our laboratory. Not only is this technology much more comfortable for patients, it is also quicker and allows us to create highly cosmetic final crowns in a quick turnaround time.

Digital Smile Design

The world of dentistry is changing, and Digital Smile Design is a new, ground-breaking technology that increases your participation in designing your own smile – and trying it on before committing to dental implant surgery.

Developed by some of the leading dentists and technicians in the world, Digital Smile Design allows us to take a 3d scan of your mouth along with a series of photographs and utilise digital technology to design a new smile for you! The technology takes into account the facial features, and allows us to change the size, shape and texture of the teeth before even lifting a drill! Once we have decided an ideal design we can show you using our large screens and ipads and once approved, you can even get a ‘trial smile’ to take home and show friends and family before comitting to the real thing!

Paul and Camille have trained extensively in this field and it is something they are very passionate about. When working on these cases, the digital nature of the work means we can use top ceramists from all over the world to create the most perfect, individualised smiles for our patients!


Request a free consultation with us

For more information about Digital Dentistry treatment at our practice, and to request a Free Consultation with a member of our friendly and highly experienced team, please call us on +44(0) 1506 842011 or complete our online form below.